

Shore excursion, Pia Glacier. Photo by Lee Mylne

Icy grandeur at every turn

A tiny yellow flower is a speck of brightness in a harsh and barren land. The legend is that if you eat the berry of the calafate, you will come back to Patagonia.

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Cruise to the animals

In New Zealand’s pristine Fiordland, playful dolphins and fur seals entertain intrepid voyagers.

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saris in jaipur 2. Copyright Lee Mylne

Go with the Indian flow

There is little else to do in this land of suprises other than sit back, relax and enjoy the ride wherever it might take you.


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LAOS 2010 086

Getting the Gibbon Experience

Whizzing through the jungle on zip lines, sleeping in the forest canopy in multi-level tree houses, hunting for critically endangered apes – the Gibbon Experience in northern Laos offers its guests a rainforest sojourn like no other. But it’s also proving to locals the value of preserving their natural heritage.

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 Roper River Road 1

The Great Top Road

Driving and camping along Australia’s longest driving route, the Savannah Way, is an adventure that’s within anyone’s reach.

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