
Podcast: This Travelling Life

I was thrilled to be invited to be the first interviewee for the Extra Virgin Food & Travel podcast “for the epicurious”, produced by journalists Natascha Mirosch and Samantha Donsky. Such fun to talk about my life as a travel writer, my favourite places, and what I never leave home without. You can listen here: […]

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Travel writers hit Sunshine Coast

Around 150 members of the Australian Society of Travel Writers (ASTW) – including me – gathered on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast at the weekend for the society’s annual general meeting and convention. Held at Novotel Twin Waters Resort, the convention included the chance for members to explore many aspects of the Sunshine Coast’s tourism offering. Other […]

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Winners are grinners

I was thrilled to be a winner in the annual Australian Society of Travel Writers Awards for Excellence in Travel Journalism this month. The awards were presented in Cape Town, South Africa, at the ASTW annual convention. Unfortunately due to other work and travel commitments I was unable to be there. My story “Traversing the long […]

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Open Book

NOVEMBER 22, 2014: Wonderful to be featured in Open Book in the Travel & Indulgence section of The Weekend Australian today…and of course if you are looking for a good Christmas read (or gift), you can buy A Glass Half Full & Other Travel Stories online through Vivid Publishing. 

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Finalist in the ASTW Awards

OCTOBER 30, 2014:  Very excited to be named as a finalist in two categories of the Australian Society of Travel Writers Awards for Excellence, which will be presented on Saturday night in Fiji. A Glass Half Full & Other Travel Stories is a contender for Travel Book of the Year, and I’m also a finalist in the […]

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Book launch – A Glass Half Full

OCTOBER 25, 2014: The official launch of my new book, A Glass Half Full & Other Travel Stories, was held at my local bookshop, Books@Stones. So wonderful to have so many friends and supporters turn up, to listen to a Q&A session hosted by former editor Julie McGlone. We talked about travel and travel writing, […]

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Interview with Hotels Cheap

OCTOBER 21, 2014:  For a journalist, it’s always interesting to be on the other end of  an interview! I was surprised to be contacted by Hotels Cheap, a discount hotel provider that operates in 75 countries, specialising in finding cheap hotel rates for travellers – whether they are looking for hotels, motels, B&Bs, or apartments.  I […]

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Bupa Blog Awards

07 OCTOBER 2014: Very exciting to be a nominee in the Bupa Blog Awards for 2014 for my blog A Glass Half Full!  As always, I am optimistic about these things – but the competition in the Travel Adventures category will be tough.  Finalists will be announced on October 22, and then there is a […]

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Instagram here I come!

OCTOBER 4, 2014: Today I joined Instagram, just in time to become part of an attempt to create the “biggest Instameet in the world” at more than 80 locations across Queensland. Hosted by Tourism & Events Queensland, it was just the kick I needed to get my Instagram account up and running. You can find […]

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Broome for bloggers

12 AUGUST 21014: About 30 people attended my blogging workshop at Corrugated Lines: a festival of words in Broome this weekend.  It was a real thrill to be part of this young festival, now in its third year, and exciting to see so many people interested in shaping their own words, interests and ideas into […]

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